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The Main Mistake to Avoid Before Attending an University Fair

So, it's been a few months now that you have no idea what to do with your future. You don’t know what job you’d like, and even less which path to choose! The last resort you’re counting on, as if it were the place of revelations, is the upcoming student fair dedicated to schools and career guidance—the magical place where, you imagine, doubts will vanish and your path will become clear.

Unfortunately, an education fair is, above all, a big market where every school competes in creativity to win you over. Ah, all those people who want the best for you—it’s heartwarming, isn't it? Stands in bright colors, catchy slogans, brochures that sparkle under the lights: welcome to the kingdom of educational marketing! Here, they don't really help you "think" or "find your way" (that’s not their goal…), but rather to convince you that a particular program is the best fit for you…

The financial stakes are enormous, and everything is designed to make sure you leave convinced—or at least, with a tote bag full of freebies, stickers, and posters! So, before getting swept away by this whirlwind of dreams and promises, it's best to avoid a fundamental mistake: showing up empty-handed, without any idea of the kind of job you want to pursue.

Because in a world where anything is possible, if you let yourself be influenced, you might end up wasting a year or two.

A student fair is where you go when you have a clear job in mind, when you know which schools or training programs you want to inquire about, and you go prepared—this will be the subject of another article.

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