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The type of manipulated communication that doesn't allow for finding solutions

Let's address the type of conversation that cannot resolve anything and, on the contrary, generates more problems than those initially discussed.

This is a typical and very exhausting attempt at communication by certain individuals because the other person's mind does not understand, adhere to, or respect the basic foundation of communication, between a sender and a receiver, where their "feedback" is what allows communication between two normal people to happen. The other person, intentionally or not, ensures that such activity is not possible, generally with the aim of not bearing the possible responsibility the discussion might lead to. The other person then confuses and distorts everything you try to tell them, with various strategies, such as answering with questions, inventing situations that never happened, denying what they said a minute ago, manipulating and confusing all kinds of attempts to thwart the simple and constructive act of talking, instead of reflecting, questioning themselves, and asking for clarification, like everyone else, to try to understand each other. They will often do their best to create drama out of nothing without any consideration, showing extreme sensitivity, and victimizing themselves to divert back to unrelated complaints. In short, it's very difficult to have a genuine exchange.

Within this type of communication, a few anchoring points and spins serve to make everything fluid and exhausting and, of course, allow total disassociation from the course of the discussion, its mode, and its lack of conclusions if the complaint were to be raised.

The anchors of your interlocutor's discourse are as follows:

  • They never understand things as they are said.
  • They never express themselves as they intended.
  • Your understanding of what they said does not correspond to what they meant.
  • They believe they said something in a certain way when they did not.
  • They forget what they said 2 minutes ago or distort it.
  • They never remember things as they happened.

There are also direct methods of shifting responsibility for the course of this discussion, contributing to bewilderment.

  • "You misunderstood me."
  • "You get everything wrong."
  • "You take everything too seriously."
  • "You overthink!"
  • "You overanalyze!"
  • "You twist my words."
  • "You make up stories."
  • "You try to manipulate me."
  • "I was joking."
  • "You expect too much from me."
  • "You're always complaining."
  • "You're crazy."
  • "You have no sense of humor."

This kind of communication and interaction prevents mutual understanding, conclusions, or solutions.


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  • 254 rue lecourbe
    75015 Paris
  • 23 avenue de coulaoun
    64200 Biarritz
  • 71 allée de terre vieille
    33160 St Médard en Jalles

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